Getting Started with Geek Panel.

  • Geek Panel Free Linux Web Hosting Control Panel
  • A Better Way To Manage Your Server
  • Powerful And Easy To Use Web Hosting Control Panel
  • Running Servers All Around The World

Why Geek Panel?

Ease of Use

Geek Panel is the easiest to use control panel


Geek Panel is programmed to be the fastest running control panel available


Geek Panel avoids downtime by automatically recovering from crashes


We offer high quality support, getting you the answers you need

Operating systems supported by Geek Panel are listed in the table below:

OS Versions
AlmaLinux 8.x (64 bit)
Rocky Linux 8.x (64 bit)
CentOS 7.x (64 bit), 8.x (64 bit)
CentOS Stream 8.x (64 bit)
Fedora 33 (64 bit), 34 (64 bit)
Debian 11.x (64 bit)
Ubuntu 19.x (64 bit), 20.x (64 bit), 21.x (64 bit)

We suggest a simple partition structure of:

Partition Size
/boot 500 MB
swap For < 2GB of RAM: 2 x RAM, for 2GB - 8GB of RAM: equal to the amount of RAM, for> 8GB of RAM: at least 4GB
/ Rest of drive

Geek Panel Demo:

Install Geek Panel via Command Line:

Any questions?
Here are our answers.

How to Restore Full cPanel Backup via Geek Panel?

The first method is to restore the full cPanel backup via Geek Panel. Of course, in order to be able to restore the backup using this method you need to have root access to Geek Panel which is listening on port 2020. So if your domain is, you can access Geek Panel via web browser at

Once you log in to Geek Panel, navigate to Backups and then select Restore a Full Backup. This Geek Panel feature will allow you to restore specific backup with File.

To restore with file, you must upload the full cPanel backup file to the following directory:

Restore Full cPanel Backup via command line. Yes, this is another method which some server admins find much easier than the first one. For this method you need to have SSH access to the server. Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root:
/gp/restore example

Of course, you need to replace example with the actual cPanel username or filename.tar.gz for the account you want to restore. Also, make sure that the full cPanel backup is properly uploaded in the /backup directory on your server before starting the restoration process.

How to transfer Geek Panel accounts from one server to another Geek Panel server?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: /gp/backup all full scp RemoteIP root RemotePassword /backup

How to copy Geek Panel backup file from one server to another Geek Panel server?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: /gp/scp filename.tar.gz RemoteIP RemotePassword

How to Copy Database from Current Server to Another?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: /gp/copydatabase DatabaseName RemoteIP RemotePassword

How to Copy Database Table from Current Server to Another?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: /gp/copytable DatabaseName TableName RemoteIP RemotePassword

How to Convert Database from MyISAM to InnoDB?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: /gp/myisam2innodb DatabaseName

How to Convert Table from MyISAM to InnoDB?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: /gp/myisam2innodb DatabaseName TableName

How do I switch between NGINX and Apache web server?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: Switch to NGINX: /gp/nginx Switch to Apache: /gp/apache

How to Install an SSL Certificate on a Domain?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: No Redirect: /gp/ssl

Force HTTPS Redirection: /gp/ssl y

How to Install an SSL Certificate for all domains?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: No Redirect: /gp/ssl all

Force HTTPS Redirection: /gp/ssl all y

How do I force a new SSL certificate?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: No Redirect: /gp/ssl --force

Force HTTPS Redirection: /gp/ssl y --force

How to install PHP 7.1 and PHP 7.2 and all neccessary extensions?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: /gp/installphp 7.1 /gp/installphp 7.2

How to set Default PHP Version in bbPnale?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: /gp/defaultphp 7.4 php -v

How to Solve 502 Bad Gateway Issues?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: /gp/help

How to Increase Websites Speed?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: /gp/resolver OpenDNS

Slow performance after securing websites with Lets Encrypt SSL

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: /gp/resolver or /gp/resolver OpenDNS or /gp/resolver Cloudflare

How do I access my webmail?

Steps for logging into webmail

1 - Visit Be sure to replace with your actual domain name.
2 - Choose Roundcube or Horde or RainLoop or SquirrelMail as your default client.
3 - Enter your username and password, and then click login. User Name: Enter your full email address, all lower case.
4 - You should now be logged in!

How to change default SMTP port (25) in Geek Panel?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: /gp/smtp 26

How do I get back to default settings? /gp/smtp 25

How do I Update Roundcube?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: /gp/roundcube

How to Downgrade Roundcube? /gp/roundcube 1.3.9

How to install Horde Webmail?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: /gp/horde

How to completely remove Horde webmail? /gp/horde remove

How to Install SquirrelMail on Geek Panel?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: /gp/squirrelmai

How to set limitations for outgoing email?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: /gp/smtplimit 30

30 emails per hour / user

How To Get Emails Delivered to Inbox?

To send emails and avoid them being classified as spam Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: /gp/inbox

How to detect which account is sending spam?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: /gp/mailq now (Current Spam) Or /gp/spam now (History Spam) Or /gp/spam Find What

How to Install ionCube Loader in Geek Panel?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: /gp/ioncube

How to Install Geek Panel on Google Compute Engine (GCP)?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: Change the root password: sudo passwd Login as root: su Start Install Geek Panel: curl -o latest -L && chmod +x latest && ./latest

How to Install Gdown in Geek Panel?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: /gp/gdown

How to download a folder from google drive using terminal? gdown --folder --id

How to download a file from google drive using terminal? gdown --id

How do I set up nameservers?

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: /gp/nameservers

What does resetting a DNS zone do?

If you add/delete DNS records and want to revert back to the original DNS, you can Reset the DNS Zone. This will remove all your custom DNS records and create the standard records for your domain.

How to Reset a DNS Zone in Geek Panel? To reset zone for a domain /gp/zone reset

To reset zone for all domains /gp/zone all reset

How do I upload files to my website?

You must either use FTP (file transfer protocol) client (Download Geek Panel-FTP), or upload via our File Manager located in your members' area. www is the only folder of which content is accessible to the browser, therefore all your website content must be uploaded there.

Also, there must be a file named index.htm, index.html or index.php inside www directory for site to be working properly.

How to Rebuild the Apache Configuration?

To rebuild the Apache configuration file, run the following command as root: /gp/conf

Detecting and Resolving Server Problems

Connect to your Linux server via SSH and run the following command as root: To fix Common Server Problems: /gp/help

To fix Complicated Server Problems: /gp/help --force

Need Help?

Call our award-winning support team 24/7 at +0 000 000 00 00